Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Grownup Snow Days

I remember how much I loved snow days as a kid. I would wake up extra early to wait for that phone call from the PTA snow tree. I'd be glued to the TV to see "BALDWIN: CLOSED" scroll across the screen. And that first snowfall was always so beautiful to watch.

When the phone rang it signaled one thing: FREEDOM. And so many snowmen. My brother and I would pile on the layers and head outside for a day that would usually end with me pushing him in a snow drift. And let's not forget this great movie.

These days snow days aren't as fun. It's not really a day off because remote access for work is a thing that exists. And then you need to dig out your car. By yourself. And it's miserable. Not to mention that this winter it seems like it's snowed every week.

But being snowed in means it's the perfect time for baking. For the last couple weeks I have been meaning to make blueberry muffins. I've been trying to eat fewer processed foods and I figured this would be a quick and easy breakfast option (I'll never give up my carbs). But I only have blackberries in the fridge - I've been mashing them into plain greek yogurt and it's been wonderful. So I used a variation of this recipe: And since this post is about muffins I'm just gonna leave you with this.

Dry ingredients

Wet ingredients

One of my favorite fruits

Be careful not to over-mix the batter


Blackberry Muffins
18 muffins

2 1/2 cups flour
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
2 eggs
1 cup fat free Greek yogurt
1 cup white sugar
1 tsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 stick butter (melted) 
1 1/2 cups fresh blackberries, halved

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees and grease 2 muffin pans (I used canola spray). Position a rack in the middle of the oven.
2. Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon in a large bowl and whisk together.
3. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, yogurt, vanilla, milk, and butter until combined.
4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and stir together until just combined. Gently stir in the blackberries. Be careful not to overmix.
5. Divide the batter between the muffin cups, until just full.
6. Bake for about 17-20 minutes. Check after 15 minutes - just stick a toothpick or knife in one or two muffins to see if it comes out clean.
7. Let cool in the pans for 2 or 3 minutes before cooling on a wire rack.

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